Successful freelance writers to present at conference: Looking for proposals from SUCCESSFUL freelance writers to make one hour presentations or participate in panel discussions at a conference for freelance writers to be held in 2005. This conference will be marketed towards serious freelance writers, not the person who got an A in 8th grade English and now tries to sell columns on his pet to the local weekly newspaper. Potential issues, beyond finding work, can cover business management, taxes, finding health insurance, etc. If you think it would be of interest to people trying to make a living as a freelancer, it's probably of interest to us. You're eligible if you make a decent living as a freelance writer or editor and aren't afraid of a public speaking gig. While we'd naturally love to see presentations from people who routinely see their byline in national magazines, we're also looking for the writers and editors who have carved a niche in boutique and corporate writing. To be considered, your proposal should include: 1) A bio and/or resume that clearly demonstrate your skills and successful track record as a freelancer. 2) A topic and brief outline (no more than one page)of what you'd like to present and why you're the expert on your topic. 3) Your anticipated stipend/speaking fee, beyond overnight accommodations and travel expenses to and from the conference. 4) All of your contact info. NO ATTACHMENTS, PLEASE. Deadline for proposals is Dec. 31, 2004. You can also send an email if you're interested in attending the conference and want to be alerted of the details when it's announced. It will more than likely be held in the northeastern United States next spring or fall (we're leaning towards Washington, D.C. although that is very much up in the air). Thanks for your time. We regret that we cannot respond to all applicants individually.
(Posted 11/16/04)