Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Term paper tussle

I got more email yesterday for Freelance Daily than I have on any other day, and almost all of it revolved around the great term paper dispute. My policy has been to always post any paying or potentially paying job, regardless of the ethics and morals involved. As a job site screening service, if I get too heavy handed, then it defeats the primary purpose of FD, which is to visit 200+ writing sites each day so you don’t have to.

Still, a lot of people feel strongly the other way. Among the arguments for keeping the ads:

· Please don't be swayed by your more "morally sensitive" readers -- I'm an adult and can make my own choices. I'd hate to lose out on jobs because of other readers' squeamishness.
· I feel that writers should be allowed to make up their own minds. Objectively I'll say this: Subscribers who are offended by your listings, or take an overly PC view of the world have the choice to UNSUBSCRIBE. I don't accept, nor do I buy content that I find offensive; they shouldn't either.
· Personally, I cringe whenever I see those ads, but everyone's not me, and I don't expect them not to apply just because I don't. Similarly, I don't expect you to screen the notices you post based on my personal preferences. Keep doing what you do!

And some of the views opposing them:

· I'm always worried that some who are not involved with universities do not know that it is "illegal" to write a paper for someone else.
· I’m a struggling freelancer myself, but it’s sort of disturbing to think that someone like me might choose to fill their time by writing a paper for a student who can’t get his work done. Perhaps I’m wrong on this posting and it’s purpose, but wouldn’t that violate a lot of morals? Should this sort of thing be encouraged?
· Looking for new projects while working on existing projects, having to do all the administrative stuff for the business, writing fiction, and then juggling my personal life in there somewhere has me running out of day before running out of things to do, so if you do start eliminating the ads based on a pre-set criteria you could in fact be doing me and others like me a favour. You could save us some time.

Again, I’m leaning towards continuing to include them with – as one reader suggested – a disclaimer. But I don’t want this to be the type of newsletter that offends or alienates anyone (which is now next to impossible with close to 1,000 very different subscribers).

One reader suggested a poll. Let’s call it a nonbinding poll, and I’ll use it to gauge views on the issue without having my email inbox flooded (apologies to everyone who emailed yesterday – there was no way I could respond to everyone individually).

So here’s the question:

“Should advertisements that are obviously from students looking for writers to complete term papers and other assignments be included in Freelance Daily?”

And here’s where to click to respond:

Thanks for your time and interest. Polling will close on Friday; results in this space on Monday.